Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happily-Ever-Afters; Cupid wont do all the hardwork!

A heart-broken friend of mine was lamenting in pain; ''Stupid Cupid!!, Love is a myth; pointless, painful and overrated.''

Cupid, i believe, is the most hated celestial being. He seems misguided and mischievous. Sometimes he shoots only one of individuals to be paired, sometimes he shoots seemingly a wrong pair. Sometimes he shoots one person deep and merely pokes the other! Lol. Funny analysis but seeminly true.

i dont believe Cupid is misguided or stupid; or responsible for broken hearts.
its the individuals who have false unrealistic expectations, ego problems, insecurity issues, shallow minds, unforgiving timid-hearts and promiscous tendencies., that are to blame.
Just like Adam and Eve, you are the architect of your own pain.

I can preach to you on forgiving and understanding your partner, i can talk about being secure about your partner and relationship (trust me, i learnt that the hard way), i can start a lecture on supporting your partner, the role of finance in romance. I can choose to do all that but i'd rather not. I prefer to lay down the facts in a relationship, hard and cold..
Understand this;

1) If You come into the relationship expecting ur partner to make you happy, be perfect and with your fairytale idiosyncrasies; YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED, YOUR HEART WILL CRASH and THE PIECES WILL BE MICROSCOPIC in nature. The earlier you realize that people will screw up and hurt you, even if they love you; the better for you! Nothing good comes easy and without pain. To get the juice out, there must be a squeeze. Coach yourself to be humane to erring partners.

2) If You take on a full time job, marking, monitoring, supervising your partner's activities through a rifle scope, ready to gun down any suspicious rival; YOUR RELATIONSHIP will spiral downwards and crash so fast your head will spin, even Humpty-Dumpty will be amazed by the fall! No human enjoys being under suspicion, no human will tolerate for long 24hrs survelliance by their partners. Confidence comes from knowing your partner trusts you.

3) If You share your problems with your emotionally-damaged single/hooked friends, expect the counsel of Ahitophel, no more, no less! A chronically sick doctor cannot treat a sick patient . Look for friends in healthy relationships and ask for counsel.

4) If You spend time caring more about people's opinions about your relationship,
Than working on the deficiencies, you need to question your emotional sanity. Only you and your partner know where it hurts, where you both have been and are going to. Humans are manipulative in nature and can tongue-lash your relationship out of jealousy, frustration, etc. Protect what you have! Keep your issues, private in both words and conduct.

5) If you leave your partner because you met someone seemingly ''better'', Your expectations are bound to be cut short badly. In a world of uncertainties, that would be a most drastic move to be regretted. Some humans are superficial, attractive on the outside; shallow on the inside! Not to sound mean; painted Sepulchres. character and outward appearance are on two different levels.

6) Know when What You feel is a crush, a basic attraction/fondness and when You are in love.. Know the difference, understand the difference!

7) know what you can handle and stick to it. if Distance, finance and age difference is an important consideration for you, stick to it. If however you choose to compromise a bit, stick to your compromise!

8) If you take an open wound from a previous relationship into the next one, chances are, you will not heal. It would escalate from a simple wound to a huge sore, next thing you find yourself blaming the entire generation of the opposite sex for your frustration. Your partner cannot compensate for what your ex did. They should not pay for the crime They didnot commit.. Forgive, Let it go before you mingle again.
9) Stay friends with your EXs, if its possible. No matter how messy the break up was, Forgive whatever needs to be forgiven and stay friends with them. You may need them someday, they may need you.

A Friend after my own heart, Jay, says all the time..
''Before you find happiness, you may have to meet the wrong people with beat-down egoistic thought-lines, you may even meet a few jerks, kiss a few frogs; but dont let it reduce your standards, raise your bars instead, stay strong and humane, Love is real, it is a beautiful thing.!''

Cupid isnt stupid after all..

CAFEE's: The History Behind HipHop; (LuciFer; an archangel of Music)

CAFEE's: The History Behind HipHop; (LuciFer; an archangel of Music)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The History Behind HipHop; (LuciFer; an archangel of Music)

((Luke 10: 18; 1s 14: 12 -14; Ez 28: 11 - 19; Matt 16:23; Exodus 24:10))

The power of music cannot be overemphasized. There had been mind-boggling instances
in biblical history, where music was used as a weapon, the fall of the wall of Jericho, The army lead by Jehosaphat, David the personal Ministrel of Saul etc.
To fully understand the foundations of music, you need to know that satan was a minister of music.
In heaven, Lucifer was termed the shining one
he was adorned with precious stones, he was different from other Cherubs, he had musical pipes that ran from his bowels (Ezekiel 28 :13). He was anointed to praise, He was the only anointed cherub that walked on the fiery stones of sapphire; this was where God's feet rested (as in Exodus 24:10). He was known as the ''son of Dawn'' (Is 14:12). It is recorded severally in Revelations that the Angels and 24 Elders bowed in praise in the mornings and evenings.
Lucifer was anointed a covering cherub. Then Pride crept because of his splendour and he sought to raise himself up like God. to raise his throne above the Stars of God, to sit on the Mount of Assembly. (Ez 28 : 15-17; Is 14: 13-15).
He was Cast down. (Luke 10:18).

Understand the devices of the enemy, he works as a negative imitation of Christ. The Bible records that the enemy roams LIKE a roaring lion looking for whom to devour; Keyword being LIKE. A negative imitation of THE Lion of the tribe of Judah. Christ seeks to set free, satan seeks to bound. Therefore for every positive Christian thing, there is a negative. We need to understand this as christians; the devil knows the power of worship, he was the angel-in-charge of Exaltation. He knows the power of music so he brewed a negative equivalent of worship. Music that seeks not to glorify God but to standardize flesh. Music that paints violence, immorality,hate, dissension, drug abuse. Music to counter worship. It started off as heavy metal/ Rock, the audience was limited. The black people was doing ghetto music, singing about freedom, social injustice, love, work, family, having a better life.
It dawned on satan, that his music did not capture everybody. He sort a music that could cut across race, skin colour (just like Christian music does). Music that could capture old and young, black and white; thus the birth of HipHop.. He penetrated the church and sort out children who grew up singing in choir, they sold out,fame in exchange to propel this music, that glorifies violence, drug abuse, immorality, revenge and music has a way of penetrating a man's subconsciousness. Hiphop today, is used as vile weapon to tear down the pillars of morals, seeping through cracks in the walls of society's values and morals.
We ve had instances of
John Lennon, more appalling is Lady Gaga in ''Judas'',
Dirty Dozen (''D-12''), Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony e.t.c.
There is ongoing speculation that the hiphop music industry is Illuminati-controlled.

Hiphop used to be about Social Injustice, Family Life, Peace, love, Freedom, having a better life..
Today its about Violence, sex, drug abuse, crime, hate, Misogyny. And the artistes are role models for the young..
Let this be a wake up call to revolutionalize HipHop culture, from propagation of evil to good..

(Please, Drop your Comment Below)