Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I've grown tired and increasingly irritated @ all the whining and non-relenting cacophony of heartbroken males, who complain bitterly of their ex- (swindlers and fraudsters) girlfriends. It's become common to generalize and term all girls as golddiggers and desperately money-loving.

Few weeks ago, I heard a couple of pathetic males having a conversation that a girl would date a certified total loser provided he's got the dough to spend.
A girl would swallow any disrespect/crap thrown @her as long d money keeps coming. Girls love money, so just chase money and girls would chase u, and all d infernal bla bla bla..

Only Recently i was asked my opinion on 'NO ROMANCE WITHOUT FINANCE'.. Surprisingly my answer was NO COMMENTS..

NO COMMENTS because it could take all day to explain that CERTAINLY/SURELY/DEFINITELY, ABSOLUTELY.. Romance cannot thrive without Finance!
You cannot completely seperate romance and finance! where your treasure is (finance), there also will your heart be (romance).

When you'r wooing that girl of your dreams, you lavish her with gifts, not because you wanna buy her over, but because you want to show her how much u care for her, how far you'r willing to go to have her. That is romance tied to your finances.

Romance is a two-way channel of care and love between TWO individuals.. It's goes both ways and is not left to the guy to be the romantic in a relationship
. The lady must also dish out her own quota of romance, because contrary to the macho, hard exterior of the male species, dere's a tender, helpless little boy craving inwardly for love and attention. In other words, men love to be petted and loved too.


The guys; A girl wants to be cared for and pampered. You ought to be concerned with the financial status of your girl. Be there for her when she's broke, surprise her with little gifts, hang out with her. Once in a while, according to your pocket take her on a weekend vacation to somewhere exotic. Yes, 9ja boys i'm also talkin to you.. Plan a weekend @ some closeby exotic city, surprise her with it.
However since a relationship is a two way thing, insist on her being there for u during your downtimes. Insist she gets u a recharge card once in a while, dat doesn't make u less of a man, it only convinces u further that she's with u not because of your money.
If she's the hand-clenching type, ask her wat she wants for Christmas, valentine and also tell her what u want. Teach her the art of giving.
The mistake most men make is shouldering all the responsibilities of the girl.. It's a relationship not marriage. You don't have to pay for every hair do or manicure she gets! Give her financial independence by insisting she shoulders some of her responsibilites herself.
Financial independence won't make her disrespect u, it only makes her appreciate your worth cos she realizes it must be killing you to give out hard earned money for nail polish coated nails and hairstyles dat don't last 2weeks. However guys, invest in her looks!!! Very important, that u invest in her looks. U sure do want to show her off to your friends looking trendy and chic. Finally, don't be deceived by a girl who tells u she's too poor to give a gift, cos the art of giving isn't limited by unavailability of finances. It's not the gift but the thought and manner of giving that matters.. And don't think that you can own a girl by just showering her with gifts and money, u'll shoulder every financial responsibility and still she'll abandon u so quickly your head will spin. You establish a long lasting channel with her when she reciprocates and contributes her own quota too.. Where her treasure is, that's where her heart will be!

To the ladies: be there for your man through his down times. It's not a period to whine and complain about ur semi-new hair-do dat needs a retouch or ur long@ss finger nails dat can definitely do without manicure, or how d clothes u got d previous week just got so old and worn even the poor wouldn't accept them. And it's definitely not the time to jump from one spendthrift man to another.. Stand by your man, assist him in whatever way u can. He will bounce back and love you silly! Trust me, it works. Surprise him with little gifts, a designer tie, a cologne, a perfumes, inner wears are gifts dat can break barriers in a man's heart! Call him up and just take him out to dinner with d bill on you! Surprise him with a trip to the movies. Cook a delicious meal for him. Spoil him a little (ummm just make sure he's also spoiling you BIG TIME so u don't nurture a parasite).

Finally Ladies, it's very important u appreciate deeply whatever financial 'assistance' ur partner gives u. Money, 'through honest means or dishonest means', isn't easy to come by.
Most men are emotionally attached to their bank accounts, u can't blame them cos they put in really long hours of hardwork to get paid.
I've been opportuned to honestly work and earn my own cash, you don't spend your pay money recklessly. Believe me u don't. The work experience has helped me appreciate my partner whenever he gives me a gift / money cos i know how much of a sacrifice it is to give out your hardearned cash.

With the romance and of course finance flowing both ways, noone would have the cause to call their partner a golddigger or fraudster..


  1. This makes sense! Girls really have to learn about financial independence and taking over the reins of their finances. We all need to start paying our bills by ourselves. Maybe then we can clear-eyedly love a guy for who he is not for the contents of his bank account. Good job Afy.
    Ifeoma Odachie.

  2. This getting more complicated as time goes on,i mean romance being tied to finance.People re learning rapidly and relationships re getting more advanced in all aspect,now much is expected and much is been put in,but yet it doesn't seem to get to completion.Afy,your points were very cohesive and very clear.Some individuals has it all,money,fame, but yet they re faithful and the romance is still there despite their various achievements.I guess it all depends on individual personality and the mutual feelings involved.

  3. Good job Afy, as always.
    Romance is good, but without finance? A girl can only endure so much poverty before she balks at it (for those dat feel in proving to their partner dat they're 'the most faithful beings'- they don't mind his poverty. Lol! Yea, money ain't everything and love shouldn't depend on it. But its importance cannot be over emphasized. Our DADDY tells us that 'a man that cannot provide for his family is worse than an infidel'. When u enter into a relationship- marriage in particular, you're taking along with you somebody's child- a whole human being. You cannot in all honesty wish her and your subsequent offsprings to be dehumanized cos of 'love'. Even when you should know that LOVE is KIND. Lol.

    As for girls that take any ill treatment cos the dough is there. Sorry but guys know de difference between 'I love u' and 'I love your money'. Haven't u reasoned 4 a moment that that could be de reason u're so disrespected?

    Thumbs up Afy, and er....dnt 4get to beep me wen it's time 2 become de chief bridesmaid. Hehehe.

  4. Nice one Afy, i totally agree with You and Rejoice. Romance and finance are closely linked, u can't seperate the two! A guy needs to show his partner some love and care both in ACTIONS and FINANCE. and the same goes to the girls.

    It's about time someone said my mind. Some brothers need to learn to stop shouldering all d responsibilities of their girlfriends.. She ain't ur wife!!! OMFgee it's a relationship not conjugal union.
    I'm specially proud of you for ur mentality on financial independence. lol i tell u dat all d time i know. Good job girl! Kayd Okhimere

  5. An impartial take on this issue is what u just did! Thumbs up babes

  6. I like dis! D contribution of both parties in a relationship is very important.
    Most ladies have d if-u-wanna-tap-dat-ass-put-ur-dough-on-it mentality.. dat spells prostitution! If ur partner gives u money regularly, don't make it be like he's paying u for d sex. It's only cos he cares for your wellbeing! We all need to learn to stop treating relationships like investments and just be dere for each other for better or for worse!

    Nice job sweetie! And I second Rejoice in saying i wanna be dere when d wine carrying starts! Wat a Lucky man he'd be! lol
    Ebele Nnadozie

  7. Really Afuoma, ure doing a good job with ur informative write-ups, articles, blogs, what have you. Ure absolutely right. Let me point that in a relationship where d guy is workn & his partner isnt, dr r oda ways of shown ur love like ur time, skills (cooking, intellectual.etc), a love message, helpn out n anyway u can, a hand here a hand there. Little things dat dnt mata 2 u bt go a long way 2 tell him dat u kia and u love him n cash or out of cash.

  8. i agree with anonymous above me. But even in cases where d guy is working and d girl isn't, she can still give little quality gifts once in a while. A pack of BYC singlet isn't too much of a burden to buy.. Let me point out that giving don't have to be out of ur abundance, but just from the little u have!
    Afy you did a good job here! and whatever guy in ur life is damn lucky! a lot of Nigerian girls don't have dis mentality about Romance and finance being a two-way thing.
    And just incase ur wondering..
    Kene J. Onyeanu

  9. afy_this is 9ice n educative,ever thought of counseling cos this is a unique article,love d way d ideas r logically arranged.i believe this msg would distabilize d general ideology shared by our 9ja folks.i hope guyz n gurlz in relationships would adopt this style n shun d old patterns employed.

  10. Good job. Money 'thru honest or dishonest means' is not easy 2 come by. Like dis. Atleast U girls know d source of d funds. So help us so we don't engage in 'dishonest' activities. Also love d part dat say tell d girl d gifts u want even as she lists hers. Cos not every1 user his/her initiative wen doing things. So girls don't always be at d recieving end, know d guy ought 2 av sumtin in return. I think U've done a fair judgement here. Keep it up.

  11. Good job! You are a compelling writer.. And very impartial.. I like a lot
    Ozi Nnedum

  12. Honey bronze, Let me go n look for the kish then!

  13. u really kept me on dis page!nice one sis

    obinna merenu
