Thursday, January 14, 2010

'' THE SANCTITY OF SEX! '' Your own opinion is required.. Leave a comment with ur name)

Okay, so this is a sensitive topic!
There are hardly any relationship devoid of sex and all it's 'appearances'. Some say it merely spices up the relationship, others say it's a proof of the 'love' in d relationship, to yet another set of people, it's just a gratification of surging hormones. But the naked truth still remains; God provided sex to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage! Premarital sex is sin, it's called 'FORNICATION'. The bible tells us that every other sin is sin outside the body but the sin of sexual immorality is sin against the body; desecrating the temple of the Holy Spirit. This is NOT to judge anyone but to address an 'issue' dat 10 out of 12 'unmarried' youths and adults too are actively involved in. We can try to cover it up all we like, we can try to make it seem as trivial and unimportant as possible. 1Cor 6:12- 20 says it all. You were bought wit a price, therefore Honor God wit your body.

So often i ask myself why God created sex hormones and gave it to us @ puberty? Why didn't he just make it available to married folks only? Why did He give us something so overcoming and definitely uncontrollable and still ask us to abstain?
In a world dat has clearly justified sex before marriage. It takes lots and lots of grace. It's a huge sacrifice lol. Yes it is!

I can go on and on all day long about why we should challenge ourselves to abstain 4m premarital sex and strive even if it means falling, dusting ourselves and getting up still! But i'd give d podium to the readers to comment on their own UNBIASED opinions on the ''SANCTITY OF SEX''.. What's ur stand on SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE?
Drop a comment and pls with your name, let's honestly discuss dis issue and PLEASE don't point fingers. No one is perfect, we can get inspiration from each other.

Thank you,


  1. Lemme be d 1st to leave a comment.
    In my own candid, unbiased opinion, it's hella difficult to be a relationship and abstain from sex. Even if you'r so consecrated a believer. Our hormones operate in d same way.. It takes discipline, grace, mercy, everything u can muster to stand firm! Best thing is just to 'flee'..
    a guy was arguing dat he must 'sample' his fiancee before marriage to see if she's 'effective'.. We all want to be sure our life partners are able and effective too, but the bible clearly enjoins us to make d sacrifice and abstain. It's is difficult but possible. We can do it, grace is sufficient!!!

  2. I couldn't agree more. We know God made sex for marriage. Abstinence is really difficult. I think the reason God gave us those hormones @puberty is for us to appreciate our uniqueness and learn the art of discipline and self control. That we can lean on Him for strength in times of temptation. But like u said, only escape is to FLEE! When faced wit d overwhelming urge to get down wiv your partner, it's best to just politely and sweetly excuse yourself and just run like 7 demons are after u. Lol buh still it's easier said than done tho. Na God go help us cos of a truth d road to heaven is not easy! That's my own view sha, SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS SIN AND IT TAKES GOD'S GRACE TO ABSTAIN FROM THE POINT WHERE U GAVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST TILL YOUR WEDDING NIGHT.. Na God o!!

  3. Manority always claim they didn't mean to. 'It just happened', 'He was....', 'She just....'. All form of excuses have been generated that PHCN has even been blamed. 'She came over, there was power failure, we had nothing else to do, it just happened'. Like you rightly pointed out, there's a reason for these hormones at the age of puberty but it is often used wrongly. People fail to understand that there are other substitutes to premarital sex while dating. You could go out for a walk (like after school when the park is crowded lol), go see a movie or attend church services together. If one complains of these activities during dating, then you'll probably be bored of the sex during marriage. I wonder what activities you'll explore then lol. Some even say it's no longer a sin others say it's an old testament sin. I'm yet to know the day it was ruled out as not being a sin lol. As we all know it's easier said, or should it be written, than done. It just takes the Grace of God Almighty to do what is right n abstain. Good work n keep it up.

  4. Abstinence is nt easy oh!
    I see it as a punishment.
    ..... Just as we expres our feelings wit words, dere are some feelings dat cannot b expresd by mere wordz...
    I dnt lyke being sina bt sexual sin is ma mst comitd sin, altho i'm faithful to ma p.

  5. Ds s gud Afy.2me, premarital sex is nt a gud idea at all.4doz dt say it mks a r/ship strnger,its a lie cos even afta sex,we stil see so many rlatnshp then wts d point since it wunt stil kp d man 4rm taking 2his heels.anyway dts 4d recordz.pls in as much as sex is Swt,i tink we cn stil try n abstain cos it mks u rtain our dignity,rspect n self confidence

  6. Confidoo Fredrickoo Anuonyeh.January 15, 2010 at 12:33 AM

    I'm nt tryin 2 condem or ncorage premarital sex,bt d tin is dat;pesonaly &frankly speakin,if i'm faced wit such a situation again,2 tins r involvd,its either i acept 2 do it or i refuse 2 do it.I dnt buy d idea of "fleeing" or "runing",as d case may b,bt i blive in open confrontation.If u flee,wats ur guarantee dat u wont b tempted again?.The bible says"Resist d Devil and he'll flee 4rm u".IT did nt say"Flee 4rm d Devil and he'll resist u".lol!..My girl once said"U claim 2 luv me,bt u cant even toch my body."In such a situatn,wat was i suposd 2 do 2 prove my luv 4 ha?,Flee ryte?,certainly not.I tink d best tin 2 do is 2 folo ur pls,if u must,ensure dat u practise safe sex..Tanx..4rm Confidoo!..

  7. LOL.. When i said flee i didn't mean like running away physically.. I meant staying away from any 'innuendo' (foreplay, french kissing, heavy petting) of sex @dat particular time so one can have a clear head in handling such situation. Best thing to do, in my own opinion, when faced wif such a situation is to explain to my partner dat what i have for him isn't physical. It's so much more than that. Sex can't commensurate what i feel for him. I'd rather show him love by being steadfastly there for him in good and bad times, consistently caring for him than having sex wiv him.
    But the fact still remains that if my boo doesn't continually (from time to time) ask me 4 sex, he's getting it from somewhere else, PERIOD!

  8. ECHE UGO...

    "So often i ask myself why God created sex hormones & gave it to us @ puberty"... Lol! Okay i had 2 laugh 1st b4 dropping a piece.

    Um... I know it! You know it! We know it! They know it... PREMARITAL SEX IS WRONG(on caps), & nobody wotsoeva is gon deny knowledge of this simple fact. Bt then again, such a huge huge sacrifice if u really wanna stick 2 morality... D piece itself says it all & i could'nt even add more. I shall say this & this alone; MAY GOD HELP HIS PEOPLE. Lol! Serious...
    Nice topic Afy... Dnt stop doin dis.

  9. Hill Chetachi EzeoraJanuary 15, 2010 at 1:14 AM

    Excuse me y'all.. Since we'r talkin bout sex before marriage.. I have something to ask, FRENCH KISSING, CARESSING, HEAVY PETTING AND ALL 'EM FORE PLAY.. Is it right to engage in 'em before marriage??? I think sexual sin envelopes e'rything, all da appearances of sex. Not just penetrative sex or blow or hand jobs.
    That's my question, i need an unbiased answer pleaase.
    Meanwhile MY OWN VIEW IS; it's possible to abstain from sex. Difficult but possible. It's however more difficult for those who have tasted it to resolve to stay away from sex. For those who haven't had sex before, it's like yearnin for d forbidden fruit. When faced wit a situation, d best approach is dialogue. Look my boo in d eye and try to pacify him. Yes u can only try cos if congi has ever hooked u before u'd know dat anybody telling u otherwise is sitting on a long thing. It takes a understanding man/woman as a partner to agree to abstinence. It takes d special special grace of God too..
    Like Confidoo said, if u must have sex, make it safe.


    Premarital sex is totali wrong,dts wat d truth is and dia r several bible passages,real life xperiences 2 back dt up...U knw wat they sae bout fightin nd runnin away..if u 'flee' 2dae as in physically,u wud live 2 'flee' anada dae or at least armd urslf wi8 protectn..fleein was xactly wat Joseph did,dts wat David cud nt do..and we al knw d various dt talk bout dialogue nd telin 2 d face wud only cause problems..cos as cheta said congi can b bad nd ai dare sae dt d blood vessels in third leg aint learned..and dts y my stand is try nt 2 do buh if u must do,make it safe...aftal like 1 f ma guys said even Jesus didnt condemn d woman caught in adultery prob.bcos he knew dt dis tins must happn

  11. now this is a sensitive topic..but I think we all know what right and not right

  12. Pre-marital sex is sin. Play safe ppl.
